Phew this is kinda late for a new post but what the heck. Nothing important going on now anyway. A few weeks back we had a clubs and society week so MPAC(Monash Perfoming Arts Club)well the name says it all along with a few other clubs were going to perform to sort of promote the clubs that they were representing. We had the taekwondo club, dance fusion club, fencing club, capoeira club. All and all the performances were great and the crowd was spectacular. So as the perfoming arts club we performes "Summer Nights" from the movie grease. Not bad for a week++ worth of work, We rehearsed it many times and had fun doing it. Hey you know what they say, if u can perform in a musical, you CAN perform.. or something like that... Anyway Just wanna give a thank you to all that were involved in the performance, you guys rock and everyone is talented especially our music guys, without you guys there it wouldnt have been much fun so thank you very much. Well here are a bunch of pics after the show... Sorry if this kind of writing style doesn't seem like mine. Not really myself today.... hehe
Well here we are trying to pose but looking like some biker gang at a local mamak store. Note the mamak at the left. Hehe best looking mamak if i ever say so..
Wow girls changing on the second floor. Note that guys are the only ones looking there. Wow and matthew is even showing off his muscles..
Well after being cursed at for looking at girls changing we decided to look at the camera to avoid their killer stares. Ouch Ouch can feel the knives at our backs. Kinda like saying. Look up again and i'll pluck out your eyes....>.<
Hello fellow thunderbirds and in the middle our very own DANNY ZUKO and our friendly neighbourhood mamak on the right.. hehe
Awww arent the ladies gorgeous?? Pink ladies and Rizzo. Stop drooling guys
P.S. The part of the girls changing on the second floor is sooo not true. DUH wish it was though...
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